Patrice is a highly experienced education consultant and school improvement professional. She is available to work with your school or with groups of schools and can provide bespoke advice and support, as well as a broad range of information and training.
School Advice and Support Services
Bespoke advice and support for Headteachers and/or Subject Leaders
- School and subject Self Review and Development planning
- Paired lesson observations
- Support and guidance on dealing with difficult issues and situations
Improving Teaching
- Lesson observations and feedback
- Planning with and teaching alongside teachers
Headteacher and teacher recruitment support
- Advertisement advice, shortlisting support
- Interviewing panel support and
- Feedback
Planning and Implementing the New National Curriculum in your school
- Information sessions for teachers and/or governors
- Whole school curriculum visioning and development planning
Planning and developing your curriculum in partnership with another school
- Joint information and sharing/audit session
- Joint curriculum visioning and ‘next steps’ development planning
- Subject Leader support
- Reviewing and developing your current English provision (Reading/Writing/Spoken Language)
- Improving the quality of English teaching
Getting Started with Drama (introducing the basic strategies)
Using Drama to Improve Writing
Using Drama to Develop Spoken Language
- INSET sessions (days, half days or twilights)
- Demonstration lessons (up to 4 a day with individual classes)
- Planning support (with subject leaders and/or whole staff)
Arts and Cultural Learning
Your policy and current provision – review and development
Visioning and planning for improvement
Considering external partner opportunities and initiatives, e.g. Artsmark and Arts Awards
- INSET sessions (days, half days or twilight/s) with subject leaders and/or whole staff
Contact Patrice for further information and to discuss your specific requirements