Drama for Oracy


Drama can be used to intentionally develop children’s oracy skills. This mainly practical course demonstrates how Drama Strategies can be set up and used as ‘Talk Frames’ in any subject lesson, as well as during ‘whole class drama’ lessons. Drama strategies use different configurations, groupings and protocols. They provide a range of opportunities for children to practise talking in appropriate ways, for different purposes. Teachers will also learn some ways of sequencing drama strategies, to ensure that an oracy focus is maintained.

Teachers will be guided practically and theoretically, through one, two or three lessons, (depending on the session time available). Oracy opportunities will be highlighted and explained throughout.


• A Drama Contract
• A Drama Strategies booklet
• A copy of the Powerpoint (as a PDF)
• 2 KS1 lesson plans
• 2 KS2 lesson plans
• A published article


Twilights (up to 2 hours, on site or online): £225
Half day (up to 3 hours): £350
Full day (up to 6 hours): £650

These costs are based on one school and up to 30 participants.


  • Above 30 participants, add £10 per additional person
  • Travel @45p a mile, (capped at £175)
  • Overnight budget hotel accommodation, (if required)


• demonstration lessons with your classes
• planning and teaching lessons with your teachers
• drama lesson observations and ‘next steps’ feedback
• drama subject leader support
• drama curriculum review and development

To book this course and/or to arrange bespoke advice and support, email patrice@patricebaldwin.com

“The content was amazing. I loved the entire lesson plan and the nuances of oracy. She is brilliant!”
“The rationale for activities was thoroughly explained.”