Getting Started with ‘Drama for Learning’ – The Basics
This course is designed for teachers who want to learn how to use ‘Drama as an approach to learning. ‘Drama for Learning’ will be explained and participants will receive guidance on how to set up a ‘Drama Contract’ with their class. Twelve key drama strategies will be purposefully explained, with examples given, of their use.
One or more primary drama lessons will then be presented, ‘step by step’ (depending on the time available) and the main learning opportunities and intentions of the lesson/s will be outlined. The shifting roles and functions of the teacher at different points during the lesson will be considered, and ways in which teachers use Teacher-in-Role for various purposes.
• A Drama Contract
• A Drama Strategies booklet
• A copy of the Powerpoint (as a PDF)
• 2 KS1 lesson plans
• 2 KS2 lesson plans
• 2 relevant published articles.
Twilights (up to 2 hours, on site or online): £225
Half day (up to 3 hours): £350
Full day (up to 6 hours): £650
Costs are based on one school OR up to 30 attendees.
- Above 30 attendees, add £10 per additional person
- Travel @45p a mile, (capped at £175)
- Overnight budget hotel accommodation, (if required)
• demonstration lessons with your classes,
• planning and teaching lessons in partnership with your teachers
• drama lesson observations and feedback,
• drama subject leader support and curriculum development planning
• whole school drama audits, review and development advice and support
To book a course and/or to arrange bespoke advice and support, email